Monday, May 21, 2012

Who You Looking At?

Still not much training lately, still catching up from vacation.  And we were in Fargo this last weekend, with Kris and Kiva getting their MACH2.  Tonight was mostly yard work but I got a little training in.

I set up the figure 8 exercise for Shasta that I loved doing with Sonic.  I'll post a video somewhat soon of it.  I am doing jumps at 8 inches.  The theory is that I want her to understand the difference of going between uprights and around uprights.  I also want to teach her responsibility for keeping the bar up early without yet "learning to jump" and obviously stressing her body.

It's clear, though, that I am going to have to work on getting her not to look at me over the jumps.  Hardly a new issue with berners yet not one that I have a good plan or program for.  I'll have to think about what I want to do for it.  Doing the Mecklenburg jump program will help when I get to that point but I'd like to address it now some how.

I moved the table from 8 to 16 inches on our "puppy dogwalk".  As you can see from the picture, first time on it she must have instinctively knew she should run harder since it was higher and she didn't quite know how to handle the middle section.  But she figured it out on the next one without slowing down.

Her two-on-two-off work continues to be outstanding.   She gets it and she gets the proofing.  The release is improving ever so slightly, we still have work to do there.

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