Friday, May 11, 2012

The Specialty Comes to an End

It's been a rather boring week for Shasta.  First there were the five days of all-breed agility.  We had Shasta into both environments, she handled them fine, no issues.

Next, on to our specialty in Gettysburg.  Again, pretty boring for her.  I tried to get her around some but as it seems to happen with specialties, we don't do much but somehow the clock goes quickly not doing much.

Shasta did great meeting every0ne happily with her tail wagging.  She is definitely hit and miss with other puppies and dogs.  She continues to react opposite of how they react.  If they are pushy, she backs away.  If they back away, she pushes into them.  And if they are neutral, she is neutral.  Maybe more berners are pushy but it seemed like she was backing up from most dogs this week.

I took her to the conformation area and encountered our first time of not being confident in a new place.  First it was the huge generator trailer outside the building, she did not care for that noise.  Then I brought her in the door by all the grooming and her ears were back a little and she was a little flinchy.  I took a seat on the floor with her somewhat near the door, started doing all of her mini-tricks and she got much better before we left.  I also did the "wait for her to look at me" and give her a treat game and that did wonders for her as well.  Bad me, I never made it back again.  But next conformation show for Sonic we'll have to bring Shasta and get her used to it.

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