Sunday, February 24, 2013


No, that's not a comment on Shasta.  Just on this stretch of training.  The winter blahs.

Class last week went fine.  There was no triple there. Everything else went fine.  She even allowed me to do a rear cross on weaves when the sequence started jump-weaves.  In other words, with very little momentum.

We went to TCOTC for some free ring time.  She missed on the first attempt at the panel, triple and broad jump.  Avoided the panel, went around the triple (at 20 inch) and stepped on the broad jump.  Did them all perfect every time after that.  Hopefully it's not an ongoing "first time she sees them" issue.  I'd be surprised if it is but time will tell.  It could be during our very limited winter training.

We went to the Inn on Saturday and set up a figure 8 of jumps that included the panel, the triple, the double and the broad jump.  Four of the seven jumps in the figure 8.  She did them all really well, even first time with each of them.  She kept good motivation considering it was nothing but jumps.  We did quite a few of them too.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Triple Trouble

No, I don't mean that there is three times the trouble.  This week in class we had a tiny bit of trouble.  With the triple. 

As I recall it, her first approach she almost stopped at the triple, then went for it with little momentum, and cleared it.  Next sequence we tried again and she did stop at it, then tried to clear it, then dropped the last bar.  Now, understandably she was worried.  I should have dropped the height and done it again, but no, I decided she just needed momentum without the stop.  Which she did do the next time with my encouragement, not well but managed.  At this minor success, since it was class, we stopped and went to the other half of class, the jumpers side.  We started the first run on that side and she started going around the single jumps. 

It was at that point that I realized that she may have never done a triple before and, therefore, never at anything less than 24 inches.  Idiot trainer!  Dumb.  But, can't undo it.  With a little encouragement we started doing the single jumps again and by the second run on the jumpers side she was back to taking them all normal. 

That's where we last left things.  It will be interesting to see how she does at class next week.  And you can be sure I will remember to drop the height of the triple if it's there.