Monday, July 30, 2012

Patience, Clark, Patience

Nothing much new in the process this week.  I raised the teeter a couple of links and it made no difference in the performance that I could tell.  I've been doing slightly longer sequences with the mini jumps and the few other obstacles we do and it's going very well. 

Now we are at that point.  That point where I know I need to show a little patience.  She is progressing very nicely.  It's that point where I am wanting to train the things that she is not physically ready for.

I don't think it's impatience with progress.  I'm not in a hurry that way.  I think it's mostly from wanting to know.  Wanting to know if dropping bars will be an issue.  Wanting to know if she will have the great weaves that Roxy and Sonic have had or not. 

There is also wanting to avoid trouble.  Our back yard is filled with full height obstacles for the other dogs.  I am looking forward to the time when Shasta is doing those obstacles so I don't have to worry about her taking one without my intention and without being prepared for that step. 

And, quite frankly, it would be convenient.  To be able to use the same teeter, the same dog walk (we have the old AKC short height walk), leave jumps at 20 inches and put the puppy stuff away.

Patience.  I've heard it's a virtue.  Hopefully I can be virtuous for a while.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Shasta - This is a Great Dog

This has nothing to do with training but I want to write again, Shasta is a great, great puppy.  Yesterday I was finally cleaning my closet and 5 minutes into it, there is Shasta, literally lying in the closet.  Love how she finds herself close to me all the time without being shy or lacking confidence.  I don't know what the future holds in the ring but she is an awesome companion.

I know it's the "Roxy factor" but I am already worrying about how short of a life she will have.  Hopefully I can get over that to a certain extent, at least not worry about it consciously as I do now.

We've been training some over the last week but it's hard to do much when it continues to be HOT.  Or more accurately, HUMID.  What a stretch.  Dewpoints 65-75 for over a week.  Maybe over two weeks. 

But the little I've done has continued to go well.  She fell/jumped off the mini-dog walk once.  That's a good thing, I want her to learn how to fall off while it's low.  She might not be a mudder.  That is, if we show outside in the rain, I don't think she is going to be a willing participant.  She really hates the rain at this point.  But she might be a good... what...  heater?  ;-)  Shasta is showing me that she can work focused and with normal drive in the heat.

A post or two ago I mentioned how fast she does this short little sequence that she is comfortable with because we've done it a number of times.  Here is a 20 second video of it.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teeter Success

After having an issue with the teeter last night that scared Shasta and caused her to balk at the teeter, I was very pleased to see tonight's teeters done as if yesterday's issue never happened.  She was speedy and confident from the first teeter on.  It's interesting to wonder if the large amount of foundation work I've done to this point helped.  Regardless, nice to see her not carry any worry over.  At least not to this, the first night.

With the placement of the puppy teeter, there are two different sequences that I tend to do to approach it.  Shasta is really running fast when I do either of those two sequences.  Which further supports what I said in yesterday's blog, that I think Shasta, more than the average dog, will have her speed dependent on her confidence level.  Something important for me to keep in mind in our early showing career when she is likely to be less confident.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Teeter Troubles?

I snuck out in the heat for a little training tonight and, wouldn't you know it, Shasta almost slipped off the teeter and hung on through it.  But it scared her.  And she refused it after that.

I helped her across a few times and she didn't freak but she didn't want to do it.  Next, we went to the baby dogwalk.  Sure enough, totally balked at that too. 

I started by back-chaining the dogwalk.  Lifted her up and put her on the downside.  She went to bottom position fine.  Lifted her up again and put her on the top board.  She continued on fine.  Went to do the whole dogwalk and she did it apprehensively.  Went to do the whole dogwalk again and she was back to happy Shasta with it.  Did it a couple more and she was back to running at it.

I went to do a little mini-sequencing and she almost took the teeter even though I wasn't asking for it.  So, I did a little mini-sequence and sent her to the teeter.  She did it great at speed.  I tried again with speed and she balked so I asked again and she went over it but it was without speed.  We did it two more times without speed but without help and she did them fine.

Hopefully tomorrow the weather cooperates and we'll see where we are at.  It will be interesting to see if the foundation we've done will help keep this as a short-term issue or if it is a longer-term issue.  I don't have a good feel this time how it will go tomorrow, I could see it being no issue, I could see her being worried and putting on the brakes again to start.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

How Much Drive Does/Will Shasta Have?

Drive.  It's something we are always looking for, especially in agility.  And I think it's tough to tell in puppies, especially berner puppies.  Shasta's drive?  I don't know yet.  I know she isn't a slug.  I know she isn't insane.  But there is a huge range in between and it seems to me she could still be anywhere in that range.

I've been a tiny bit concerned about it.  When trying to analyze it unemotionally, I think her drive is pretty good.  But I'm not sure.  Am I seeing something that's making me wonder?   Or is it just the natural questioning I've usually done at some point with every puppy?

I know part of it could be the "Sonic" factor.  He's so incredibly driven in agility, and that's what I've been working with lately and that's the most recent puppy I've trained.  How much has he understandably skewed my viewpoint?

The following statement is true with all dogs but I think it may be more of a factor with Shasta than the average dog.  And that is that her drive will depend greatly on her confidence.  I don't say that because she is a worrier, she isn't.  I say it because I believe she is a thinker.  Not to humanize her too much, but I believe she wants to understand what it is I am asking of her.

The irony of posting this tonight is that I trained her somewhat briefly tonight, after being at a show all day yesterday and today, on a hot and humid evening, and she was pretty much flying through our mini-sequences.  That said, we were not introducing anything new, supporting my theory that she will be fast if she understands the task at hand.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Residual Teeter Fear? Appears to be--No!

Two nights ago I posted about Shasta running through and flying off the puppy teeter.  She showed no concerns that same night but it usually manifests the next time, especially with berners.  I was able to train last night and tonight and, voila, no issues!  Yea!!

There is still fear/stress at the chute but it's improving a lot over the last week or two.  With Kris' help I've spent some time focusing on treating her low coming out of the chute, trying to help her understand she doesn't need to pop the chute up.  I think that has helped a lot.  Last night she did all chutes with no hesitation.  Tonight she hesitated briefly on the first one but went in without much of a stop or a re-approach. 

The last two nights have continued a stretch of really good training sessions.  She looks really happy.  She is very focused.  She is learning.  Speed and drive is increasing.  I am really happy with what I am seeing.  It's early, really, really early.  But I love how things are going so far.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Flying Shasta - More Ways Than One

The heat finally broke and we got some chances to train this weekend and today.  All the sessions have gone really well.  I raised the teeter three links.  I also raised the puppy dogwalk a little and, more importantly, switched to a regular middle plank instead of the two tables. 

For some reason, her speed seemed to pick up this weekend, especially in the tunnels and "jumps".  One could say she was flying for her.  She's cute with her ears pinned back.

She continued to attack the teeter and still willing to pounce the upside as well.  She doesn't really "pounce" anymore like it was early on where she jumped on the upside.  Instead she is showing her intelligence now that it is higher and getting on in the middle and riding it down when I say pounce. 

She also handled the change in the dogwalk well.  Smartly she slowed down the first few times figuring out the increased slope and the skinnier middle plank.  But her speed quickly picked up pace again.  The downside plank is a little slow, I am pretty sure she is thinking hard about how to find her bottom position.

We do have one dogwalk issue.  She hasn't fallen/jumped yet.  I want her to do so a few times at this low height so she learns to jump off and not fall off.  Not sure if I can just be patient and wait for it to happen or if I need to do something to get it to happen.  Need to think on that one, don't want to do anything stupid.

Her flying wasn't just the increased speed.  Tonight I went out to play ball with Sonic, Shasta and Pearle (Pearle doesn't play ball but enjoys hanging outside).  Shasta played with the ball longer than she had in the past.  But the slightly concerning part was she was following Sonic as she often does, Sonic runs right at the puppy teeter and then veers off at the last second.  Shasta runs right up it and flies off.  Glad it wasn't the full size teeter!  She seemed unfazed by it.  I put Sonic and Pearle away and we did some more puppy teeters, everything seemed fine.  Of course, I won't really know if there were no repercussions until we do it again tomorrow.  But it sure didn't look like it was going to bother her at all. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hot, Hot, Hot

Literally nearly no training this week.  Show last weekend that Kris was part of show committee, meaning long days.  This week it has been possibly, literally, the hottest week here in my lifetime.  95 to 101 every day and dewpoints in the 70s the entire week.  Hopefully it breaks when they say it will Friday night and we can get some training in this weekend amongst all the yard work that is so far behind.

Could I be training in the basement?  Yes.  Have I been?  No.