Monday, July 30, 2012

Patience, Clark, Patience

Nothing much new in the process this week.  I raised the teeter a couple of links and it made no difference in the performance that I could tell.  I've been doing slightly longer sequences with the mini jumps and the few other obstacles we do and it's going very well. 

Now we are at that point.  That point where I know I need to show a little patience.  She is progressing very nicely.  It's that point where I am wanting to train the things that she is not physically ready for.

I don't think it's impatience with progress.  I'm not in a hurry that way.  I think it's mostly from wanting to know.  Wanting to know if dropping bars will be an issue.  Wanting to know if she will have the great weaves that Roxy and Sonic have had or not. 

There is also wanting to avoid trouble.  Our back yard is filled with full height obstacles for the other dogs.  I am looking forward to the time when Shasta is doing those obstacles so I don't have to worry about her taking one without my intention and without being prepared for that step. 

And, quite frankly, it would be convenient.  To be able to use the same teeter, the same dog walk (we have the old AKC short height walk), leave jumps at 20 inches and put the puppy stuff away.

Patience.  I've heard it's a virtue.  Hopefully I can be virtuous for a while.

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