Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What You Got In Mind Dad?

Quite the look in that photo, isn't it?  It was more shaping fun with the puppy teeter tonight.  I was working on getting her to tip the board on her own however she wanted.  What I ended up shaping was the chain of behavior where she would get on the board in the middle, go to the end that didn't tip, turn around on the board, then walk across the board until it tipped!  Over and over again.

What did dawn on me tonight is that every time I've taken her to shape on the puppy teeter, I'm ready to stop before she is.  I'm not a training fanatic but for a 9-10 week old puppy, that strikes me as rather amazing.

I have noticed that she is hesitent to go through doorways.  Is that a normal puppy deal?  I can't remember.  Not that she won't but she pretty much always stops and waits for me to invite her through.  Hopefully it's not an indicator of some future issue, I've been down that road with Mara.

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